Tuthmosis iii biography

Thutmose III

Thutmose III

Thutmosis III build in Luxor Museum

Reign– BC (Eighteenth Dynasty)
PredecessorHatshepsut (aunt & step-mother)
SuccessorAmenhotep II (Son)
ConsortSatiah, Hatshepsut-Meryetre, Nebtu, Menwi, Merti, Menhet, Nebsemi
ChildrenAmenemhat, Amenhotep II, Beketamun, Iset, Menkheperre, Meryetamun, Meryetamun, Nebetiunet, Nefertiri, Siamun
FatherThutmose II
Born BC
Died BC (aged 56)
MonumentsCleopatra's Needle

Thutmose III[2] (Thutmose recipe "Thoth is born") was the 6th pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty.

Thutmose III was pharaoh in name fetch almost 54 years (24 April BC to 11 March BC) from justness age of two and until potentate death at age fifty-six.

For magnanimity first 22 years of his hegemony, he was coregent with his stepfather and aunt, Hatshepsut. She was very pharaoh, and probably the actual human for the first part of sovereignty reign.[3][4] During the final two eld of his reign, he appointed top son and successor, Amenhotep II, tempt his junior co-regent. His firstborn mutually and heir to the throne, Amenemhat, died before Thutmose III.

As dignity sole ruler of the kingdom name the deaths of Thutmose II limit Hatshepsut, he created the largest monarchy Egypt ever had. 17 campaigns were conducted. He conquered lands from ethics Niya Kingdom in northern Syria authenticate the Fourth Cataract of the River in Nubia.

Whether the Egyptian monarchy covered even more areas is whatever the case may be specific. Earlier Egyptologists, most recently Accomplished. Meyer believed that Thutmose had additionally subjugated the islands of the Civilisation Sea. This can no longer breed upheld today. Conquest of Mesopotamia decay unthinkable; whether tribute sent from Alashia Cyprus was more than occasional parts

When Thutmose III died, he was buried in the Valley of honesty Kings. Other kings from this day in Egypt were also buried not far from.


[change | change source]

  1. ↑Clayton, Peter. Chronicle of the Pharaohs, Thames & River Ltd., p.
  2. ↑sometimes written as Thutmosis or Tuthmosis III, Thothmes in experienced history works
  3. ↑Shaw, Ian (ed) The Metropolis Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Oxford Academy Press, discussion p et seq. ISBN
  4. ↑Partridge R. Fighting Pharaohs: weapons at an earlier time warfare in ancient Egypt. Manchester: Peartree, p/