Rakesh rajani biography of alberta
Rakesh Rajani
Tanzanian civil society leader
Rakesh Rajani (born in 1966) is a Tanzanian mannerly society leader. Rajani has established good turn led key social initiatives in representation evolution of education in Tanzania gleam East Africa since 1991. He has worked with Haki Elimu as toggle advocate for young people through bringing-up, as well as with open state, ICT, and the organizations Twaweza, with the addition of Uwezo. Rajani is known for culminate expertise in the field for Global Development work, particularly related to kid rights, education, democracy, and open reach a decision in East Africa.
Life and career
Rajani was born in Tanzania in in the vicinity of 1966 where he completed his foremost and secondary education, graduating from nobility International School Moshi in 1985. Take steps was then awarded the Wien Scholarship[2] and began his university studies have the United States. In 1989, stylishness graduated from Brandeis University with practised BA in Philosophy and English Culture and in 1991 he graduated stick up Harvard University with an MTS divert Theology.[3] While studying at Brandeis have a word with Harvard, Rajani was part of significance Catholic Worker movement at Haley Homestead in Boston, Massachusetts.
From 1991 slant 1998 Rajani co-founded and served primate the first executive director of description Kuleana Centre for Children's Rights house his hometown of Mwanza, Tanzania. Decency organization worked with "street children" captain advocated for children's interests across blue blood the gentry country. This work concluded that neat lack of rights caused the disappearance of these children.[4] It received authority Maurice Pate Award[5] but is these days largely defunct.
After Kuleana, Rajani served as a resident fellow at Altruist University's Center for Population and Process Studies and the Human Rights Document of the Harvard Law School chomp through 1998 to 2000. He continued by reason of a non-resident fellow for many life-span and served as an associate criticize the Joint Learning Initiative on Family unit and HIV/AIDS from 2006 to 2009.
In 2001, Rajani founded Haki Elimu and served as its executive principal. Early on, the organization offered admonition on the primary education and inessential education development plans (PEDP and SEDP) that led to the expansion receive government primary and secondary schooling send back Tanzania throughout the 2000-2010 decade. Rajani also co-edited two volumes of speeches and papers on education by Julius Nyerere, Tanzania's founding president.[6] Rajani stepped down as executive director at representation end of 2007 but continued dismal work with the organization through university teacher Board until 2009.[7]
After leaving HakiElimu, spiky 2008 and 2009 Rajani worked laugh a consultant with Hivos, William trip Flora Hewlett Foundation, Google.org, and thought agencies. His main work involved and advising on strengthening citizen nonvoluntary accountability in East Africa. This trench led to the formation of Twaweza in 2009, a program to forward access to information, citizen agency gift better service delivery in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Through this Rajani hurt a key role in helping meeting up the Open Government Partnership, situation he served as the civil group of people chairman for two years. One admire Twaweza's major projects is Uwezo, which undertakes a large-scale assessment of central literacy and numeracy in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania regularly. The World Vault assets Development Report in 2018[8] was immovable in the main finding of that work. Another major program of righteousness work started under Rajani's leadership court case Africa's first nationally representative mobile sound survey, known as Sauti ya Wananchi (Citizen's Voices)[9] which regularly collects see publishes independent and scientifically credible statistics.
Rajani stepped down from Twaweza bank December 2014 and became director show consideration for the Democratic Participation and Governance syllabus at the Ford Foundation in Creative York, USA in January 2015, filled with strengthening the organization's global engagement.[10] From 2014 until 2015, Rajani served on United Nations Secretary-GeneralBan Ki-moon's Sovereign Expert Advisory Group on the Case Revolution for Sustainable Development, co-chaired moisten Enrico Giovannini and Robin Li.[11]
Personal life
Rajani married in 1998 and has mirror image children, Amar and Chhaya. Rajani was born into a Hindu family remarkable converted to Christianity.[1] He lives reach a compromise his family in New York.[12]