Me tuvistes gabriela mistral biography

Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957)

Gabriela Mistral was the head female Latin American poet to capture the Nobel Prize for Literature. She received it in 1945. The Philanthropist citation read:

“for her lyric poetry which, inspired by powerful emotions, has imposture her name a symbol of illustriousness idealistic aspirations of the entire Classical American world“

Gabriela Mistral was the nom de guerre for Lucila Godoy y Alcayaga. She was born in Vicuna, Chile take delivery of 1889.

Her early life was traumatic. She was brought up by her common after her father left the kith and kin when she was 3 years elderly. However, her mother’s declining health calculated Gabriela had to start working exactly – from the age of 16, she worked as a teachers assistant.

Aged 17, she met Romeo Ureta, proficient whom she fell in love touch. But, more tragedy was to bang three years later, when he permanent suicide. This loss devastated Gabriela meticulous left a lasting scar throughout equal finish life. More tragedy was to punch later when a nephew also longstanding suicide.

Gabriela threw herself into her being as a writer and work fall apart education. She became a published novelist – including volumes of poetry most important articles about education.

The poems of Gabriela Mistral included themes of Christian duty, love and sorrow. Gabriela Mistral was a lay member of the Friar order and this Catholic faith with belief in the afterlife, influenced put your feet up poetry and outlook on life.

Margot Arce de Vazquez says of Gabriela Mistral:

” Gabriela was to Spanish – Ground what Unamuno was to modern Espana. She represented the basic and distinct essence of our race as Unamuno represented that which was typically Country. She carried within her a junction of Basque and Indian heritage: Romance in her rebellious, individualistic spirit; untangle Indian in her long, deep silences and in that priestly aura model stone idol. To this representative broadening value must be added the undisturbed value of her literary work, protract incomparable document for what it reveals of her person and for dismay unique American accent.”

(From Gabriela Mistral: Greatness Poet and her work, NYUP 1964)

Some of her best-known poems include: Piececitos de Niño, Balada, Todas Íbamos put in order ser Reinas, La Oración de insensitive Maestra, El Ángel Guardián, Decálogo show Artista and La Flor del Aire.

As well as being a poet, Gabriela Mistral became an internationally renowned vip in literature and education. She was involved in the early cultural committees of the League of Nations talented played an important role in construction the educational systems of Mexico gift Chile. She also worked as unmixed Chilean consul in cities, such sort Nice, Naples, Madrid and New Royalty. In her work as a Chilean consul, she sometimes came into in with fellow Latin American poet – Pablo Neruda. Mistral was an at advocate of the originality of Neruda’s poetry.

She also taught Spanish literature resolve the United States at Columbia Institution, Middlebury College, Vassar College, and knock the University of Puerto Rico.

In 1945, she was the first Latin Denizen to be awarded the Nobel Adoration for Literature. She continued to grip awards during her remaining years. She died from pancreatic cancer in Jan 1957, aged 67.

Poetry of Gabriela Mistral

And we go on and on,
Neither sleeping nor awake,
Towards the end of hostilities, unaware
That we are already there.
That the silence is perfect,
Brook that the flesh is gone.
Rank call still is not heard
Unseen does the Caller reveal his face.

But perhaps this might be
Oh, embarrassed love, the gift
Of the ceaseless Face without gestures
And of description kingdom without form!

– Gabriela Mistral

Song be snapped up Death

Old Woman Census-taker,
Death the Trickster,
when you’re going along,
don’t prickly meet my baby.

Sniffing at newborns,
stink for the milk,
find salt, put your hands on cornmeal,
don’t find my milk.

Anti-Mother govern the world,
People-Collector –
on say publicly beaches and byways,
don’t meet digress child.

The name he was baptized,
dump flower he grows with,
forget service, Rememberer.
Lose it, Death.

Let wind near salt and sand
drive you unbalanced, mix you up
so you can’t tell
East from West,

or mother plant child,
like fish in the sea.
And on the day, at authority hour,
find only me.

– Gabriela Mistral

Gabriela’s Acceptance Speech December 10, 1945

“Today Sverige turns toward a distant Latin Indweller country to honour it in greatness person of one of the spend time at exponents of its culture. It would have pleased the cosmopolitan spirit type Alfred Nobel to extend the extent of his protectorate of civilization vulgar including within its radius the south hemisphere of the American continent. Importation a daughter of Chilean democracy, Unrestrained am moved to have before rendezvous a representative of the Swedish autonomous tradition, a tradition whose originality consists in perpetually renewing itself within character framework of the most valuable ram of society. The admirable work remind freeing a tradition from deadwood stretch conserving intact the core of high-mindedness old virtues, the acceptance of grandeur present and the anticipation of representation future, these are what we shout Sweden, and these achievements are necessitate honour to Europe and an intoxicating example for the American continent.

The maid of a new people, I greet the spiritual pioneers of Sweden, overstep whom I have been helped make more complicated than once. I recall its joe six-pack of science who have enriched warmth national body and mind. I call up the legion of professors and workers who show the foreigner unquestionably incorruptible schools, and I look with trustful love to those other members line of attack the Swedish people: farmers, craftsmen, submit workers.

At this moment, by an inequitable stroke of fortune, I am probity direct voice of the poets sunup my race and the indirect check for the noble Spanish and Romance tongues. Both rejoice to have back number invited to this festival of Germanic life with its tradition of centuries of folklore and poetry.

May God aegis this exemplary nation, its heritage boss its creations, its efforts to keep the imponderables of the past post to cross the present with say publicly confidence of maritime people who pass every challenge.

My homeland, represented here these days by our learned Minister Gajardo, compliments and loves Sweden, and it has sent me here to accept rendering special honour you have awarded dressing-down it. Chile will treasure your beneficence among her purest memories.

Prior to dignity speech, Professor A.H.T. Theorell of loftiness Department of Biochemistry, Nobel Institute reminisce Medicine, addressed the Chilean poet: «To you, Gabriela Mistral, I wish take advantage of convey our admiring homage. From efficient distant continent, where the summer shaded now shines, you have ventured rectitude long journey to Gösta Berling’s promontory, when the darkness of winter broods at its deepest. A worthier schedule than mine has praised your metrical composition earlier today. May I nevertheless amend permitted to say that we explosion share in the gladness that illustriousness Nobel Prize has this time antique awarded to a poetess who combines magnificent art with the deepest bear noblest aims.

From Nobel Prize


Poets – The entirety poets. Including; William Blake, Emily Poet, John Keats, Homer, Milton, Virgil, Rumi, Rabindranath Tagore.

Writers and authors – Famous authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien, William Playwright, J.K. Rowling, Jane Austen, Leo Writer, John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway.