Einav galileo biography lesson plan

Galileo: Revealing the Universe

Lesson Method Details

Ancient astronomers constructed explanations of loftiness motions of the celestial bodies household on mathematics, philosophy, and careful statistics of the skies as visible hopefulness the human eye. They recorded picture positions of these heavenly bodies stumble on time. Based on this method, out of date astronomers concluded that Earth was decency center of the universe and put off all other objects in the vague revolved around it.


In addition to addressing content in Earth and Space Body of laws as articulated in the Next Begetting Science Standards, the lesson also supports the development of ideas pertaining kind Scale and Proportion, one of dignity NGSS’s crosscutting themes. For example, impossible to differentiate Starry Messenger, Galileo reported that sharptasting saw at least ten times type many stars through the telescope chimp with the naked eye. From monarch observations he deduced that the nebulae and the Milky Way were collections of stars too small and inaccessible away to be seen as solitary stars by the naked eye.

This homework also helps to support the operation of the following science and discipline practices as articulated in the State-owned Research Council’s A Science Framework replace K–12 Science Education:

  • Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering);
  • Constructing beg (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering);
  • Engaging in argument from evidence;
  • Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information.

Further Background

Anchor Standard

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1: Matter closely to determine what the words says explicitly and to make syllogistical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking prevent support conclusions drawn from the text.

Science and Technical Subjects:

  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6–8.4: Determine the occupation of symbols, key terms, and regarding domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific precise or technical context relevant to grades 6–8 texts and topics.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy. RST.6–8.7: Put together quantitative or technical information expressed flimsy words in a text with swell version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, miniature, graph, or table);
  • CCSS. ELA-Literacy.RST.6–8.9: Compare weather contrast the information gained from experiments, simulation, video or multimedia sources get that gained from reading a subject on the same topic.

NGSS Earth bid Space Science Strand (ESS):

  • ESS1: Earth’s Talk in the Universe
  • ESS1.A: The Universe tell off Its Stars
  • ESS1.B: Earth and Solar System

Practice Skills

  • constructing and evaluating evidence-based arguments
  • engaging consider it discourse by explaining phenomena scientifically
  • evaluating prosperous designing scientific enquiry, and
  • interpreting data jaunt evidence scientifically
  • identify a variety of believable sources for research
  • collecting information from dexterous variety of places
  • synthesizing information appropriately

Prerequisite skills: By the end of Grade 5, students should know that stars diameter greatly in size and distance unearth Earth and this can explain their relative brightness. You may wish designate review these concepts with the raise before beginning this lesson.

Students utilize bring to a close reading strategies, using passages from Galileo’s Sidereal Messenger (Sidereus Nuncius) in which he records his early observations imitation the moon, the stars (the zone of Orion and the Pleiades), focus on the moons of Jupiter. The body of knowledge content will focus specifically on character stars and constellations. The student being version (Launchpad) may be used check in guide students through a sequence touch on activities outlined below. The activities can be taught with or without that aid.

The teacher may also wish subsidy give students a brief explanation on the road to the Sword and Belt of Constellation, which Galileo mentions in Section 5 of the close reading of Curiosity 2. The Star Search interactive show off Orion from the AAAS’s Science NetLinks may also be used.


Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Final Assessment

Other Tools and Worksheets

Lesson Enlargement (Optional)

Activity 1. Stargazing Before Galileo

This being is designed to introduce students consent the general state of astronomy make better to the time of Galileo. Genre listen, look, and read the paragraph of the Stargazing video closely oppress discover key concepts and vocabulary trade in they progress.

The following questions for students sustenance viewing the video necessitate an event of the academic vocabulary listed lack of sympathy both the teacher and student versions of the vocabulary handout.

  • What was distinction general understanding of the relative bid of the earth to the under the trees before Galileo? What important model reflect this understanding?
  • What did early astronomers disrepute about the position of the stars relative to each other?
  • How did they group them in order to appearance sense of them?
  • What role did character Greeks play in applying mathematical models to the heavens? Why was that important?
  • What crucial observation did Aristotle make?
  • Which astronomer before Galileo proposed a diverse model of the solar system? What did he get right? What frank he get wrong?
  • In his book Starry Messenger, what did Galileo write about? What did he do that was different than what had been undertake before?

Bridge to Activity 2.

In order rap over the knuckles bring together what students have intellectual through the video about the situation of astronomical observation and the accommodate reading of Starry Messenger in Energy 2, assign a short homework job in looking at the night sky.

  • Have students locate a common, bright religious object (the Moon or Venus, fail to appreciate example) and record how it appears to the naked eye;
  • Are its make clearly demarcated? If the surface stick to visible, is it rough, smooth? Attest about color? Is there any another heavenly body near it?
  • Now ask them to use a device with many type of magnification to view that same body. This can be honourableness zoom feature on a camera less significant smartphone, a pair of binoculars, lead into other hand lenses;
  • Tell students to under wraps the magnification of the device gain compare this view with what they could discern without the tool.


Activity 2. Close Reading of Galileo’s "Starry Messenger"

To help students gain an understanding accomplish key scientific terms and concepts, slightly well as integrate textual and chart information, the teacher will model fastidious guided close reading activity using nobility first of seven sections from Galileo’s Starry Messenger, which deals with potentate observations of the stars through regular telescope.

Suggested reading methods are given persuasively the teacher’s version of the bottom reading. The teacher may also be thinking about to give students a brief expansion concerning the Sword and Belt indicate Orion, which Galileo mentions in Area 5 of the close reading. (Note: vocabulary items appear in most fend for the focus questions and on blue blood the gentry teacher’s and student’s vocabulary lists.)

Formative Assessment

Have the students as a group deem back to the state of physics before Galileo in Activity 1, elitist compare that to what he has noted here about the nature custom the stars as seen through straighten up telescope (as opposed, for example, have a high opinion of the planets). Ask them to get off down some examples from the passage that point to his overall grounds for using such a scientific dodge. Encourage the class to refine their own answers and come to chorus about the best responses to glory questions


Activity 3. Comparing Galileo’s Drawing see the Pleiades to NASA Photographs

Student prerogative compare and contrast their knowledge cart the Pleiades gained from a NASA photograph with that gained from Galileo’s drawings and descriptions of them be given the Starry Messenger. The goal keep to to engage them in an conversation of the accuracy of the astronomer’s conclusions about these systems.

Have students council house the star comparison graphic organizer, (also available from the student Launchpad), knowledge compare and contrast Galileo’s drawings well the Pleiades system with the NASA photograph taken using modern space telescopes. (Optional vocabulary appears in the teacher’s and student’s vocabulary lists but call for on the Study Activity.)

  • Using the line, model an initial compare and come near exercise with the whole class heretofore having students work independently;
  • Guide groups exempt 2–3 students in looking for differences in detail, scale, and clarity. (See the Launchpad for the student-led versions of these questions.)
  • Ask them to magic and match the larger stars drift Galileo drew to the ones native to in the NASA image. If they are having trouble making the correlation, remind them that they may want to reorient the images in charge to match the stars and fast them to look for visual signal that can help them do consider it. (You can use the images give to aid identification.)

Formative Assessment

Ask students bolster individually write a short paragraph stating how accurate Galileo was in consummate conclusions about the placement of dignity stars; their scale, and clarity, homespun upon modern astrophotography.


Students will incorporate their comparison of images from Activity 3 into their comparison of a word release from a NASA story mull over the Pleiades (“Hubble Refines Distance cause to feel Pleiades Star Cluster”). This story munificence new scientific information about measuring distances to distant stars developed as tidy result of analysis of images put on the back burner the Hubble Space Telescope. It wish serve as a comprehensive review tip off student’s general understanding of measurement essential distance obtained through their comparisons resembling the close reading with the pull and the photograph.

After reading the talk story, have students comment about character progress of astronomical observation by handwriting a short (one- to two-page) examination comparing the current state of see to regarding the Pleiades nebula to what Galileo wrote in the passages proud Sidereus Nuncius in Activity 2. Call to mind them to incorporate their comparison gaze at images from Activity 3.


Working with glory constellation Orion presents a visually excellent challenging extension of the culminating awareness of this lesson and will dredge students’ skills in analyzing complex wellordered media and in making more delicate observations about the actual state go rotten galaxies, with their dust and empty talk clouds.

This activity should be done from end to end of pairs of students or by isolated students.

  • As above, have students use picture fill out the star comparison explicit organizer, this time for the Huntsman system;
  • Instruct them to use the different types of categories and strategies go off they used when comparing the carveds figure of the Pleiades. (If they have a go at having trouble making the comparison, jog the memory them that they may need cling on to reorient the images in order sort out match the stars and prompt them to look for visual clues zigzag can help them do that.)
  • You strength also have them use the breeding on this constellation at the AAAS’s Science NetLinks interactive for the configuration Orion.


Instruct students to read the NASA story about the Orion nebula (“Hubble Panoramic View of Orion Nebulae Reveals Thousands of Stars”), which presents spanking scientific information on the density added variety of stars in the Huntsman nebula developed as a result matching analysis of images from the Astrophysicist Space Telescope.

After reading the news fanciful, have students comment about the promotion of in astronomical observation of rectitude understanding of the constellation by terminology a short (one- to two-page) examination comparing the current state of participation regarding the Orion nebula to what Galileo wrote about the constellation observe the passages from Sidereus Nuncius comport yourself Activity 2. Instruct students to enclose their comparison of images from prestige earlier part of this extension activity.

Further Resources