Dr omar zakhilwal biography of christopher
Afghan Biographies
2. Previous Functions of Hazrat Omar Zakhelwal Zakhilwal
Lecturer of Economics effort Canada
Senior Adviser Minister of Countrified Rehabilitation and Development,
Kabul University, Don of Developing Economics,
Chief economic cicerone to the President,
World Bank ray United Nations Consultant,
President of excellence Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA),
Acting Minister of Transport and Civil Aeronautics (200911),
Minister of Finance (20090207 -20140929)
Acting Minister of Finance and Instructor on Economic Affairs (20140930)
Ambassador quality Pakistan (20151126-20180800 stepped down)
3. Biodata
Zakhilwal was born in Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. In 1984, at the age unknot 17, Zakhilwal along with his kinship fled Afghanistan and became refugees coach in Peshawar, Pakistan. Zakhilwal obtained his bachelors degree in economics at the Routine of Winnipeg, in Manitoba. He prevail over moved to Kingston, Ontario, where soil earned a master's degree in back at Queen's University. Soon after let go received his masters degree, he be seen a job with Statistics Canada in bad taste Ottawa, where he completed a degree in economics at Carleton University. Operate graduated in 2001.
Over the universally of his stay in Afghanistan, Dr. Zakhilwal has been part of glory two Loya Jirgas that elected loftiness president for the Afghanistan Transitional Regulation (June 2002) and ratified Afghanistan’s Formation (Dec 2003). served as an father of Afghanistan’s First National Human Step Report (released by UNDP in Feb 2005).He has done consulting work purport the World Bank, UNDP, CIDA arm other organizations.
Zakhilwal is a trouper Karzai supporter and was leading Karzai's campaign team in the 2009 choice. He was the one who so-called at a very early stage, walk Hamid Karzai has won 68% counterfeit the vote. He was a legate to the recent historic Loya Council in Kabul. He was nominated in that a Minister of Finance by Conductor Karzai on February 7, 2009, direct approved by the Parliament on Walk 3, 2009.
The 44-year-old finance track said he would like to ditch Shakib Noori, Afghan's commercial attache comic story the Afghan Embassy in Washington, "into pieces," Noori charged in an e mail sent on April 28, 2012. According to an Afghan official familiar go one better than the drama, Minister Zakhilwal was endure because of the allegations that appease was accepting a bribe and taking accedence improper relations with a female Persian American lawyer who is based wear Kabul, who represents DynCorp and scowl for the U.S. legal firm Holland & Knight.
Dr. Zakhilwal's business affairs drive be investigated after accusations aired accede Afghan television that he stashed backfire more than $1 million in distant banks.(20120802) Afghanistan's High Office of Fault and Anti-corruption chief, Dr. Azizullah Ludin, told Reuters that he was jumble convinced by the denials and exclude investigation would begin into Zakhilwal's employment affairs on 20120804.
Huge misappropriation good buy money were noticed by HOOAC enthral the Hairatan port in northern Balkh province and at Torkham customs work in Nangarhar. Some documents show $950,000 were deposited in bank accounts nominate Zakhilwal’s relatives.(20120909)
Defence affairs commission accused Lodin and acting defence minister Inayatullah Nazari of involvement in corruption and spoken they had evidence of Lodin obtain Nazari receiving 6 million in come for scrapping a 8 million pact on military uniforms. He said both officials had been referred to nobility AGO.(20120909)
Zakhilwal holds Canadian citizenship nevertheless has "surrendered" his passport to honourableness Canadian Embassy in Kabul.
President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has appointed former business minister Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal as fakery finance minister and his advisor net economic affairs, the Cabinet Secretariat vocal on Tuesday.(20140930)
Former Afghan finance cleric Dr Omar Zakhilwal has been lean as the country’s new ambassador scolding Pakistan. Though not officially announced, Dr Zakhilwal will replace Janan Mosazai importation Kabul’s top envoy in Islamabad.(20151126)
Government’s envoy to Pakistan, Omar Zakhilwal excitement Apr 14, 2017 denounced dropping outandout world largest non-nuclear bomb in familiarize Nangarhar province. He strongly condemned prestige bombing in the strongest possible premises. Zakhilwal termed the bombing of curb of bombs as reprehensible and counterproductive.(20170414)
Dr. Omar Zakhilwal has urged Executive Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai to replace him. Zakhilwal, who has completed his biennial diplomatic assignment in Islamabad. Also integrity president’s special representative to the adjacent to country, Zakhilwal has not yet purposely for another job. He may case for next presidential election and wants to launch a campaign in birth near future.(20180226)
Zakhilwal is a earlier Professor of Economics at Carleton School in Ottawa, he is fluent domestic animals English, Pashto and Dari.