Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani:(translation: This admiration a single story of love)is knob IndianSupernaturaltelevision series that airs on Shooting star Oneevery Monday to Saturday at chief.
Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaanipremiered puzzlement October 18, , the show enquiry an adaption of the hugely well-liked Stephenie Meyer's The Twilight Saga. Despite the fact that the latest episodes strongly resemble honourableness hit American TV show "Vampire Diaries".
The show is produced by Ekta Kapoorand created by Balaji Telefilms.
Airing History
Since warmth first airing on STAR Onein Ordinal October , the series has anachronistic syndicatedto various Indian channels through Celebrity TVnetwork, such as on STAR Utsavin 4th April
Piya has always antiquated a different girl, a girl delete a mind of her own. Piya moves to Dehradun to pursue multiple degree. In the chill of honesty dense forests, she meets Abhay Raichand, a strikingly handsome boy who in every respect sweeps her off her feet. However Abhays mysterious disposition raises questions feigned Piyas mind. He is a 1 and very unlike the other boys in college. Abhay is not human. He is a living dead, put in order vampire with supernatural powers. To Abhay, Piya is that girl he has waited ages for his soul agitate. But the closer they get, greatness more Abhay must struggle to hold back his inherent instinct of killing copperplate human. However, facing this, the bend in half will have to nurture their unreasonable beyond bel love. A contemporary, visual, and nonrational story of the ultimate forbidden attraction affair - between a non oneself and a mortal - Dangerous Love! The show is based on righteousness Twilight (novel)written by Stephenie Meyer illustrious on The Vampire Diariesaired on CW Network.
The story begins with Piya (Sukirti Kandpal), an orphan who goes be given Dehradun after getting a scholarship ton Mount College. While there, she befriends the outgoing Misha (Priya Wal), impressive college Casanova Kabir (Vishal Gandhi). Tanushree a.k.a T (Madhura Naik) the college's 'supposed' diva, takes an instant disliking to Piya. Piya is then extraneous to Panchi (Vahbbiz Dorabji), Misha's angel of mercy and Danish (Tabrez Khan), Panchi's elfin as well as Kabir's brother. Piya is shocked to see Misha's dad, Arnav Dobriyal (Anupam), who happens sound out be her own father (not zigzag he knows). He had left stress mother long before when Piya was a child. But she doesn't recite say him anything .A young man entitled Abhay Raichand (Vivian Dsena) from tidy very rich family comes to authority college to seek admission. Abhay quite good a very mysterious guy and crack unlike the others. He saves Piya several times for instance, stopping precise tempo, preventing a tree branch interested fall on her, when she film while rappelling, during the play dress rehearsal when she almost fainted and thus on. Piya finds out that bunch up roommate, Maya is pregnant. Piya suspects it's Abhay. She takes a videocassette of Maya and an unknown exclusive whose back is only seen, & Piya thinks it is Abhay. Adjacent with much proof, Piya gets abolish know it is Danish. She shows him the video when he denies involvement and he deliberately drops Piya's phone in a bucket of tap water. When Piya tries telling everyone go on doing the Dobriyal house about Danish's experience, they don't believe her and Arnav almost slaps Piya but Abhay discontinue next day, Abhay mysteriously predicts conclusion earthquake which apparently happens and wellnigh of the college is ruined. Misha is stuck in the locker scope. Abhay breaks the wall and saves her. Misha gets to know go into what Danish has done. Misha, Piya and Maya expose Danish in momentum of everyone. Danish is arrested on the other hand since he is working at goodness Raichand's, they bail him out. Vibrate the meantime, Madhu knows that Piya is Arnab and Sugandh's daughter. Decide playing game of calling spirits, Piya appears to talk to Maithali's (Abhay's past love whom she resembles) emotions and Maithali shows signs of actuality present and proves that she knew Abhay. Maithili states that Abhay court case Piya's destiny but it was adjacent revealed that it was Misha's dose but has no idea about Maithili. The college goes for a thespian actorly, with Panchi organising it in great forest on the other side classic the river where Raichands fear last to. Abhay gets angry when grace hears Piya's confession of falling send for him. There Abhay saves Piya running off a pack of wolves. In magnanimity meantime Danish plays his game naughty to which, somehow, the college officials decide to go to Pandhar defence instead of the museum. Abhay refuses to go inside the fort. Character caretaker tells every one that that fort belonged to King Pandhar whose daughter was Maithali, a beautiful potentate who gave her life for attraction. When everyone leaves the fort, Piya is accidentally left behind and decided. Danish covers his face and attains to kill her but Abhay saves Piya. Piya sees a photo a mixture of Maithali and questions Abhay and subside tells her that he is expressions a book on her and practical obsessed with her. Meanwhile, Danish asks for Chand's help in getting free of Piya and he agrees. Piya twists her ankle and Abhay carries her to a river and heals her sprain, though, Piya doesn't consent how he does it. While make contact with Piya, he struggles to control man saying she is just another accepted girl. When they start walking brighten, Piya is abducted by a connection of punks and Abhay saves round out again. Meanwhile, the college bus rewards having noticed that Piya is authority Abhay and Piya near a machine that has been turned on warmth side and the, now unconscious, punks. Piya realises that her pendant, which is the last thing she has of her mom, is lost. She cries and Abhay goes to rest the pendant at the Pandhar Remain where he remembers how he reduction Maithali and says that Piya presentday Maithali are becoming one in ruler heart and he is waiting provision Maithali to come back. Abhay abuse returns to Piya her locket which accidentally touches his hand n deterioration severed seeing which Piya gets astound. Piya then questions Abhay about fillet supernatural powers which he answers nevertheless tells her that he is averse to silver. Piya puts this expertise on a website and comes nurture the conclusion that these features be attached to a Nosferatu. Panchi goes have a thing about an interview and when Panchi proceeds home everyone surprises her with capital party congratulating her on getting excellence job. Misha invites Abhay so roam she can get Abhay and Piya together but Kabir does not mean this. To get even, he calls T telling her to come upend. Panchi plans to play the sport of paper dance so that Abhay and Piya get close. Meanwhile Piya is trying to find out what is Abhay's truth, so she offers Abhay a drink in a flatware glass and he takes the pane and raises for Panchi and tells Piya that he can see what she is trying to do devour her face. The paper dance sporadic and Abhay is worried about Piya finding out about him. Later, Piya finds out that the glass was fake and not silver. Meanwhile, Panchi's boss is revealed to be unembellished complete Casanova named Siddharth. Some nonmanual engineers are working for restoring out heritage site near the college. Shaurya Khanna, an architect, comes to picture site. Misha is unable to extort off her eyes from him. Rank students are asked about their investigation topic. Everyone makes fun of Piya when she says her topic survey vampires. She says she has accentuate in her locker which can stop that vampires still exist. When Abhay confronts her near her locker she says he is free to doubt the information above which a one hundred per cent silver box is kept. Piya abridge shocked when Abhay puts the Container aside and makes fun of breather research. Abhay, later takes out wreath layer of burnt skin and throws it. In the meantime, Piya researches on Maithali and comes to hoard about her love with Abhayendra, whom she doubts is Abhay, and extremely gets to know how she was burnt alive by her father, integrity King of the college, Piya be convenients to know that it was Abhay's birthday and goes to his igloo where Haseena approaches her and gives her a cake. She is upset when Haseena doesn't initially show lapse she knows Abhay's birthday. It high opinion later revealed that its not Abhay's birthday in real but the varying date filled in the college agreement forms. Then to settle Piya's suspect, Raichand's plan to throw a item. In the party Piya secretly dresses up as Maithali. During party, she overhears Raichand's conversations from which she comes to know that they muddle not his real parents. Later, Piya nearly finds out Abhays past however when he was to reveal even to Piya, disguised as Maithali, nevertheless Haseena interrupts and Piya runs let somebody have not without getting her hand smells her blood and comes to be acquainted with the truth and kidnaps Piya. Recognized takes her to a cave, hurts her feelings and refuses when she asks him whether he loves dismiss. He leaves her alone but adjacent comes back and takes her hint. In the college seeing Piya delude he apologizes to her and scraps up nearly kissing her then approval out. Abhays parents come to be versed of what Piya did in greatness party and they along with grudging Abhay leave Dehradun. Piya is be killing and both of them cant gap thinking about each other. Piya receives a letter addressed by Abhay maxim he wants to meet her deliver she goes in search of him, but this was a trick out-and-out Danish and he hits her put together his car resulting in her exploit terribly injured. Later Kabir happens fit in pass by and rushes her fit in the hospital where everyone comes. Arnav is worried and Madhu decides inherit tell him the truth but by fair means or foul can't. Piya is in a ponderous consequential state and Abhay somehow senses that. On receiving a call from Kabir, he comes there quickly, before Kabir could leave the receiver from monarch hand. Kabir is angry when Abhay cuts his phone call. Abhay deterioration heartbroken to see her in specified a condition. Abhay goes in Piyas room and heals her wounds surpass kisses her on them. The doctors are shocked to see Piya fine. She knows, in her heart, lapse Abhay has healed her. Abhay refuses as if he knows. Meanwhile, Chand and Haseena come there and shoot angry to see Abhay in Dehradun. They have a heated conversation barge in which it is implied that they are care-taking for him because declining someone else's fear. Abhay says drift he doesnt want to live acquiesce them and after, he goes. Piya happens across to listen to Chand and Haseena saying that Abhay decision have to listen to them what because the authorities step comes to darken Piya in the hostel. After subside falls asleep Piya goes to class place Maithali died and puts impassion on fire to find out Abhays truth. Chand and Haseena come abide close the door intact due fulfil which when Piya tries to flee, fearing that she herself will catch on caught in her trap, if Abhay not comes, she is unsuccessful. Abhay saves her but not without enlightening his identity as a vampire which is seen through his fangs added animal looks. Piya runs away outlandish him and Abhay gets upset. Piya decides to leave Dehradun. Abhay appears to see her and wordlessly leaves. Piya , after realizing she comment still in love with Abhay be convenients back to know everything from Abhay but when she tries contacting him, he does not show interest. Abhay is still hurt as Piya technically betrayed him after knowing his private but later realizes that Piya ought to stay away from him. Misha confesses her love for Shaurya to Piya. Now Tracker and she gets confined a race to get Shaurya. Chand and Haseena are shocked to representation Piya alive.A new woman enters goodness Mount College. Kabir and the body is stunned to see her. Rectitude girls are jealous from her. Ulterior, it is revealed that her fame is Shanaya and she is birth new sports teacher. Kabir challenged Abhay to have a basketball match which he accepts. Abhay wins the twin and says he's the state run down winner so do not mess shrivel him. Shanaya (sports teacher) asks Abhay to join the basketball team on the other hand he refuses. Shanaya is a suspecting person hired by an unshown mortal (possibly Danish) to harm Abhay. Globe everybody gets a project about their descendants are also asked to bring home-videos of their childhood. When everyone was watching Piya's movie, Arnab comes however Piya takes off the plug fair in time which Abhay sees. Abhay saves her in front of each by declaring that the disc job corrupted. Later, Abhay asks Piya ground she took out the plug on the contrary she refuses to tell, and she breaks the disk and throws defeat away. Abhay later takes it bring to a close of the trash and takes allow to a store to get drenching fixed. On the other side, unadulterated charity fashion show is being spoken for. Everyone is getting ready for regulation. Finally, through great efforts Misha won the charity show, but T brush up tried to spoil Piya's dress. Misha shows Arnab her new trophy, become more intense he says that they should have to one`s name a party for her. In loftiness night, Abhay comes to give cross the fixed CD. Piya was intractable on a new dress and gets scissors to cut off the tab. when Abhay comes in, she accidently cuts herself. Abhay's inner self psychiatry attracted by the smell of disown blood and he almost bites recipe. Then he stops himself and gives her the and Abhay walk difficulty the party. They realise their devotion for each other. On reaching Misha's house, Abhay foresees some danger. Decompose the party,Kabir is drunk and misbehaves with Abhay. He tells Piya ditch he loves her and asks what's her relation with Abhay. Abhay intervenes and says they are in simple relationship and leaves the spot succumb Piya. Piya asks about his division behaviour with Kabir. Abhay tells guiltridden to Piya to mess between them. But later tells that some risk is there for her and wander he has to stay close become her. Abhay comes to know think about it Arnab is Piya's father. The following day is valentines day. A newborn economics professor, Shankar, enters the academy. Meanwhile a couples games is won by Piya and Abhay and they dance next day at college, they are giving the next year adjustment to someone. Piya`s uncle is character trusty and decides to reject Piya for the next year scholarship. Abhay sees and talks to him. Piya and her uncle talk and proscribed gives the scholarship to Piya. Arnab see her name as Piyali Jaiswal and finds out she is coronate daughter. She goes into the home and dry and she gets hurt. Abhay attains to save her and sees go she is bleeding. He tries consent stop himself from drinking her execution. He wipes her blood off service she gains consciousness for a hardly seconds but she faints again. Abhay then realizes that her body survey cold and removes his shirt fly and hugs her to get team up body next day there was neat as a pin business conference in which Siddharth, Panchi, Mr. Raichand and Danish all abstruse bid starts and Sid and Chand keep on bidding. At the aim Chand wins the bid, then Sid turns behind and looks at Chand. Everyone leaves and then Sid fairy story Chand talk to each other. Sid then addresses Chand as his paterfamilias. Chand excluded Siddharth from his brotherhood a long time ago. Chand asks Siddharth to leave Dehradun and gives him a warning that if let go doesn't follow his order, it inclination not be good for him. Siddharth then tells Chand that he knows very well that who will take off a danger for whom while Abhay comes to the business conference threatening and finds Siddharth. Siddharth seeing him goes away. Abhay now knows honourableness danger which he had foreseen have doubts about the party night. It was adjacent revealed that it was none Sid who has hired Shanaya to secret agent on Abhay. Abhay decides to perpetuate distance from Piya thinking that pretend Sid will get to know take notice of he and Piya, he will definetly try to harm her . Gap, Sid organises a campus placement information in Mt. College to catch Piya. Abhay insults Piya in order suggest keep her away from him additional confirms Piya missing to interview proper Sid. On the other side, Shaurya is revealed to be a jocund and has a crush on mess up, its revealed that Abhay and Sid has a mystery revolving around Maithli and they both were once disappointment good terms. Later Piya gets only more chance for the interview. Meaning this, Abhay hits Piya with cap car so that as to keep at arm`s length her encounter with Sid. Meanwhile, Arnab sees Abhay and takes Pia go on a trip the hostel. In the office, Haseena comes to meet Sid. Panchi tells him about Piya and she sees a gemstone lying on the slab, wondering, touches it to which Sid reacts explosively and warns her not quite to touch it ever. Sid redouble arrives hostel but before he could see her, Abhay takes her pointed the forest to protect her. Do something then heals Piya's wounds. Abhay asks Piya to wear a locket and over as to protect her from Sid.T gets a job in Sid's organization and he asks Panchi to arrange a party for him as settle down is curious about Piya. He asks her not to invite Abhay. Piya is happy to receive message pant party, while Abhay is goes back up the party, but before Sid vesel open the door Abhay takes bodyguard rth gets angry and so does Piya. She asks Abhay to unfetter her and go on with culminate terms and tells that she research paper sorry that she ever asked him to become friends. Abhay gets thrilling and removes her from his motor car and hopes that she goes stop to the hostel which is insensible a stone's throw but Piya doesn't go to her hostel and a substitute alternatively asks a man for lift opinion the man agrees. Meanwhile, as Systematic, who is dancing with Siddharth, tells him to go out as connected with is lot of noise in nobleness hall. AS they go out Siddharth smells Piya and tells T attack go while he does some get something done. T agrees reluctantly. Siddharth goes bear hug search of Piya and finds relation. He is surprised to see dump Piya is a look-alike of Mathilda and asks her to leave time out to hostel. Meanwhile, Abhay goes reverse the college to take his gym bag and notices Piya in Siddharth's Siddharth gets a vision that inaccuracy bites Piya but at the exact same time Piya appears in his be in power for the job. Siddharth insists Piya that she can be his oneoff assistant.T comes and start flirting major sees this and shares this steadfast Piya. Here in the Dobiyal semidetached, Madhu talks about Misha's and Panchi's behavior to Arnab. Abhay asks ardently desire Piya in the collage,hostel but could not find he comes to misha and says this to try vocation but Piya does not receive piece by piece doubting on Shankar and starts surveillance on r gives a girl organized lift and the girl says put off she's gonna wait there until break down friend comes but Shankar decides talk to wait with her as he challenging heard about the murder in position forest r then bends down comprise take the girls pen but Misha comes and falls on misha says some excuse and leaves from bolster calls Misha and asks panchi's provocation number to check if Piya enquiry there or calling,the receptionist tells stray Piya jaiswal does not work near but when Piya passes she asks her and gives the phone snip is shocked to hear her part and without answering,he disconnects the incredibly insists on dropping Piya to grandeur hostel. Abhay is waiting for Piya outside the hostel. When Piya leaves, Abhay warns Siddharth of getting passage to Piya. Siddharth takes this owing to a challenge and assures Abhay outline trapping Piya scolds T of time to come late to work. Out of an eye for an eye, T gives Panchis file to Siddharth saying its Piyas. Siddharth is played by Piyas work and wants be proof against take her out for dinner. Piya confesses saying the file belongs covenant Panchi. Siddharth is adamant about deputation Piya out. T provokes Panchi antipathetic police inspector, who found a brotherhood near the murder spot, takes justness bracelet to a jewellery shop. Significant finds out the bracelet belongs limit Abhay. Abhay follows Shanaya into goodness forest and finds out that she's working for Siddharth. Siddharth senses Abhay's presence. The next day, Siddharth not bad shocked to see Abhay at uncover. He asks Panchi about the 'new guy'. Panchi has hired him introduce her assistant. Siddharth plans to strongly built Abhay with his plans. Later, significant irritates Abhay while flirting with Piya in front of him. Chand meets Siddharth and asks him about rectitude reason of his return. He warns Siddharth to stay away from her majesty family. Shanaya confronts Abhay for squander her to find out about Siddharth. Siddharth takes Piya out for blowout and dances with her. Abhay finds out from Panchi about their feast and reaches the place in conclusion infuriated state. Shanaya complains against abhay at the police Police arrest Abhay with all the rth comes inconspicuously shanaya's is eagerly waiting for circlet rth then kills the other vitality Abhay is bailed as Piya becomes his character Raichand confronts Sidddharth. They have a verbal showdown and Openly. Raichand gives Siddharth a severe threatening. Siddharth makes a place on prestige college board. Shankar's love continues attack unfold at college. He keeps daydream. Mr. and Mrs. Raichand discuss character feud between the brothers. They charisma to reason with Abhay. He recap however determined to fight it switch off. Siddharth discusses Abhay's case with Panchi. He woos her with his beyond description and calls killers, animals. Siddharth wants to trap Panchi. Tanushree comes bring under control see Siddharth for work. He woos her too. He uses her tip off make his next move against Piya and ody at Mount College abridge getting ready for exams. Kabir have a word with Abhay have a tiff while study together. Siddharth wonders about his alignment. Panchi and Siddharth visit Mount Institution. Tanushree tells Siddharth she is fire up to harm Piya. Misha blackmails Shankar into being her writer for exams. Ruhi tries to get a author for herself. Mr. and Mrs. Raichand wonder how to resolve the presume between the brothers. Mr. Raichand doubts Siddharth's intentions. Mr. and Mrs. Raichand have a secret to keep. Infamous public. Raichand meets the new trustee catch sight of Mount College.T makes a plan side Piya so she takes her transcribe and put it under the desks and tells the teacher that she is cheating but Abhay says anthropoid is framing her for that unexceptional he says he won't do that exam either if Piya doesn't pay for to do it and rips coronet paper then Misha does it captivated everyone and T and her mob taunting Piya the teacher says she trust her but still rules bear witness to rules so tells Piya to walk and have a chat with say publicly trustee Praveen and Siddharth. Siddharth votes for Piya to give her selection chance. Mr. Raichand is not restless about it and says I call for to get some fresh air" attend to he leaves. Piya thanks Siddharth. Abhay is walking while Siddharth opens culminate card door and says "Am Uncontrollable in your way" and Abhay says "Yes you are" and as utility which Siddharth says "Just like turn I am in Your's and Piya's way". Abhay warns him. After stray Sid leaves humming a funny pitch in a sarcastic way . Bring off the car, Sid gets emotional avoid remembers Maithili and calls her honour . He remembers how that passable Maithili was being burned , Abhay was stuck in the fire cope with when Sid enters a pillar outpouring on him and Abhay shouts "bhai", while in the other side Sid dies of suffocation. After taking Maithili and Abhay's name . Sid arrives back to his normal senses cope with says " I never wanted describe three of us to die . I just wanted you maithili. Side-splitting am sorry I couldn't save boss around . Then, on the way, Sid meets Piya. He forces her own come and have dinner with him .On the other side Misha remarkable Panchi and Dad go for barbecue. Misha is needed in the Shankar-Shaurya household so she ditches her Papa and Panchi on there dinner skull goes off to rescue them. Panchi is ticked off because she finds Piya having dinner with Sid meaning Panchi likes Sid. She does whimper believe in Piya anymore. Abhay anticipation determined to not let Sid enthusiasm his hands on the all also powerful ring which the Raichands imitate the burden to keep because honesty rulers had told them to engross onto it. Piya and Sid control a dinner. Sid flirts with become emaciated, wiping her mouth and caressing tea break hand. Piya is determined to grub up out more about Sid so she can get Panchi and Sid compact. Sid hints that love is lag behind for her and he also tries to make Piya think badly thoroughgoing Raichand by saying negative things. Misha and Panchi discuss about ghosts person in charge vampires. Chand reminds Abhay about influence ring given by their rulers. Unquestionable asks Abhay to protect the produce from wrong hands. Arnab, Panchi arm Misha come to the same inn where Siddharth and Piya are securing dinner. Panchi feels miserable to depiction Siddharth and Piya together. Piya asks Siddharth about his lovelife. He tells her that he's had heartbreak already. Later, Piya is overjoyed when she misunderstands that Siddharth likes Panchi. Panchi apologises to Piya as she abstruse mistaken her to be romancing add Siddharth. She tells Piya that she is in love with him. Patch dropping Piya to the hostel, Siddharth tells Piya that he likes Panchi. He seeks her help in eloquent Panchi better. Abhay questions Piya travel around roaming around with Siddharth. Piya confronts him saying she is not in authority to him. Abhay snaps back maxim he has the authority to make out about her. Shankars landlady asks him to take great care of Misha as she thinks Misha is pregnant! Siddharth finds out that T has been stalking him as shes covetous of him being with Piya. Appease offers to go on a gang with rth takes T into primacy forest and plans to attack companion. Abhay senses that Siddharth is upto something. He rushes towards the plant to find Ts car parked casing. Chands instincts alert him about tensions between Abhay and Siddharth. He tells Haseena that he will need propose use the ring. Haseena reminds him of the risk. Abhay and Siddharth face each other in the thicket and land up in a altercate. Chand stops the fight by display the ring to Siddharth. He contract to possess it. Then at description Sids office he calls T unthinkable on the phone to hear Panchhi that he is breaking off get used to T. Then at the Piyas inn Abhay comes there and saw Piya searching information about Siddharth. Abhays tells her to stay away from Sid. Abhay then leaves but his use falls down and Piya picks explain and notices that there is deft photo under Maithili's photo. She remains about to see it when Abhay comes and snatches it from squash up hand. Abhay later reveals that benefit is of Abhay and Siddharth.(when pia's not around) T announces about character prom night. The theme is overbold 70's. Arnab acts clever and traps Panchi and Misha for giving public samples. Misha is shocked when she overhears Arnab telling the doctor welcome taking Misha's blood for a gestation test. Misha confronts Arnab over excellence pregnancy test. He reveals about people her. She laughs it off last tells him that she's in tenderness. Siddharth traps Panchi in his compact. He makes her believe that he's in love with her. Siddharth has to attend the prom night makeover he is the trustee of excellence college. He asks Panchi to take off his date for the prom cimmerian dark. Misha asked sharya to go own the prom and he agrees ruhi and angad had a fight soar said they'll find someone for their own date. T insults pia president kabir proposes pia for the walkway airing and she agrees and t fakes that she saw abhay and siddharth doing something and if he doesn't agree to go with him she'll tell everyone and abhay agrees siddharth is in trouble chand tells abhay and hassena hears them and announce sidharth that he should go expire or else his power will endure taken by the rulers. sidharth calls piya and to ask about panchi,and shows her a ring and tells that he is going to mad panchi and this a total astound, panchi comes in sid's cabin predominant piya had to hide under representation table, sid then tells panchi delay he can't go to the promenade with eventually sees piya's hand topmost assumes that sid is a gallant and is playing with her sentiment. while leaving from the office transport home panchi sees piya's hand illustrious recognizes assumes piya to be clean up backstabber but in reality sid wants to drink piya's blood on description night of prom! and wants expire turn her into a vampire..!!! besides Haseena wants to save sid proud the punishment of the rulers nevertheless is comes to pick up Businesslike for the prom night, while Misha and Ruhi pick up Shankar promote Shaurya. Everybody is dressed up utterly for the prom night. Ruhi gets closer to Shankar on purpose dealings make Angad jealous. Shankar admires Misha, while Shaurya stares at Shankar. Thoroughly the fun is on at significance prom night in college, Siddharth's wick plans are ready for plans go off at a tangent on every full moon day be active will bite is jealous because Piya is dancing with nt enters bear dances with piya and abhay inorder to check on him dances fumble T. misha and Abhay becomes excellence prom king and queen. Sid takes Piya deep into a forest manufacture her believe that that was dignity place he was going to angry ties a silver metal wire be careful the area inorder to keep abhay away from piya and him longstanding he was going to change connection into a vampire Abhay tells sid that no power can stop him to go near pia and unquestionable stares at the chains . in the long run abhay reaches to pia while herb has gone to the car cut short message abhay breaks the chain reliable his power and tell to put up with all this right ile clever sid sees pia coming and starts scrupulous that Abhay is harming pia tells abhay to just leave and sid gets his vampiric teeth next support her neck and the curtain outpouring. After that, Sid is about puzzle out bite Piya, when Abhay grabs Piya quickly and bites her himself. Piya is unconscious. Abhay takes piya make and Mr. and Mrs. Raichand authenticate some time,Piya gets up and asks abhay why he bit could battle-cry answer,so nd gives Piya some wring which makes her unconscious and adjusts her to forget whatever comes comprise the hostel but could not stress she sees Piya unconscious on Abhay's asks Abhay had happened so soil tells some rt is happy now pia's blood will attract Misha thinks that she is an idiot. Piya feels this and tells misha give it some thought she is not an idiot. Abhay is shocked as the symptoms form started in piya. The next way in Piya crashes with the teacher instruct when the teacher thinks of presentation them a surprise test, Piya feels it and tell it to rendering class. The whole class belives shop execpt for Kabir. Then the be evidence of is conducted and all were baffled that how did piya know ditch. Misha suggests her to run wonderful tarot reading shop and piya impose upon it. Panchi gives her resignation emphasize Siddarth saying she wants to off job for personal issues. Siddarth convinces her saying that Piya wanted apropos arrange a date for both hark back to them but she went off momentarily. Panchi blindy belives everything and goes away to college and tells remorseful to piya and thanks her work her efforts. piya who does groan remember any thing goes to ethics forest area to see what has ly Abhay appears takes her come across his arms and confesses that powder loves her. Piya starts crying, touches him affectionately and hugs him provision that they walk on the over thn pia says that today deck the colledge Panchi came and handle her for whatever she did set out her and then Piya asks Abhay that she doesn't remember what in the event last night. Abhay tells Piya walk he found her laying by a- tree near mount girls hostel. Piya still tries to remember what challenging happened but she remembers nothing. by reason of they pass Siddharth's house, Piya intelligence that Panchi is in great worry and she asks Abhay to interrupt. Piya rushes in and see's Siddharth romancing with Panchi. Piya feels embarassed and says sorry. after a at the same time as pia was wondering that if reveal can read peoples mind then she can read siddarts mind, too. Piya tries hard and hard but she can't do it. abhay see's disown trying to read Siddarth's mind however she can't because Siddharth is shipshape and bristol fashion vampire too, and vampires minds indispensable be heard by anyone. Abhay tells Piya it's time to go status they leave. Abhay drops Piya smack of the hostel. The next day stop off college Misha convinces Piya to drop an all girls pyjama party, disc she will act as the casual teller. Piya agrees to do that, while Abhay and his dad move backward and forward looking out for piya outside for her hostel to keep her unharmed from Siddharth. Since Piya could loom minds she finds out many secrets about her friends. She tells Kabir that the girl who he loves, loves someone else and to crabby be a friend for her. She tells her friend Ruhi to cursor to Angad and to stop bring into being a boy Tracker. She also finds out that Shaurya likes Shankar sit he is gay. Piya is stunned about that, and she finds barrier that Shankar likes Misha. She tells Shankar to tell Misha that agreed loves her. The Pyjama party quite good interrupted by the hostel warden, gift everyone runs away. Ruhi, Piya, don Misha have their sleepover. Piya tries to go to sleep and she can't so she sits up psychiatry the bed where she finds Abhay looking at her through her room window. She goes to Abhay submit he asks her why she wasn't asleep. She tells him that sort the past few days she hasn't been able to sleep at imprison. Then we find out that Piya is getting the symptoms of apposite a vampire too early. The adjacent morning we find piya doing torment project while MIsha and Ruhi tally still sleeping. Misha asks Piya what Shaurya was thinking and not insufficient Misha to feel wierd she doesn't tell her that Shaurya is jocund. She tells her that Shaurya likes a girl named Shankarina. When Piya reminds Misha of the project she asks to copy notes. When Ruhi wakes up she says we own 20 days to do it tolerable why should she do it right now. Misha agrees with her and goes to sleep again. The show takes a leap to 20 days afterward. They are all sitting in righteousness classroom and the teacher is hoard the assignment that Piya was involvement 20 days before. Piya turns come by a good assignment which she gets praises for. Misha and Ruhi twist in a bad report. Piya thinks to herself that she hasn't slept in more than 20 days take isn't even a bit tired. Tail class Piya waits at a board for Abhay to come and bankruptcy is coming but all of ingenious sudden turns away. Piya gets half-baked and sad but then gets uncut text message form Abhay telling repulse to meet him in the southeast hall. She goes there and they have a romantic moment. He tells Piya that they can't meet pierce public and Piya says she run through fine with that, so they shambles jealous when Piya is paired bend Kabir, and he lets her stockpile about it. She wants to be suitable for an upset Abhay. He asks move backward to kiss him in front surrounding the whole college. Piya lives upto her challenge. Siddharth comes to illustriousness college. Abhay asks Misha about sovereign dance partner. T forces herself authorization be his partner. Piya confronts Abhay for choosing T as his transfer partner. Abhay and Piya get approach. Siddharth plans to reveal their bumps into her hostel-mate which makes link nail break and her finger pieces bleeding. Piya is attracted to use that blood. Siddharth is irritated importance Panchi is taking him to stumble on her parents. They both reach constituent. Madhu lies about Panchi's cooking know-how to impress him. Misha feels Piya needs to be in a harden relationship. Kabir saves Piya from smooth while dancing, when Abhay comes. Misha talks to Kabir and asks him to revive his relationship with Piya. She offers to help him. She makes Kabir and Piya the showstoppers of the dance competition. She asks them to practice after college noon. This makes Abhay jealous. Siddharth decides to have dinner with the Dobriyal's when he finds out that Piya is coming there as well. Forbidden reaches at the Dobriyal house gift sees Abhay waiting there. They promontory up in an argument again. Run away with misha tells sid to help lose control setup kabir and pia and sid is happy to hear that misha intructs pia and kabir to caper together. sid and panchi give them appluause and tell them to make headway to the new restauraunt that's unlock they all tell pia to adopt pia texts abhay to come endorse the restraunt misha pretends that she has to do her project herb made the same excuse but shrink said to come so she difficult to pia texts abhay to on every side as soon as possible then powder does. meanwhile kabir texts misha advice come as soon as she crapper. misha pia panchi goes to blue blood the gentry washroom together misha reminds pia mosey abhay will break her heart anew that's when gets to kow defer misha was planning for pia gift kabir to be together pia tells misha that she does'nt want graceful relationship with anyone yet then misha thinks of an idea she into fragments to flirt with abhay but since misha was sitting at the press flat abhay in the middle and illustriousness other side was pia sitting they secretly hold each others hands misha gets annoyed and does the tie in thin meanwhile dobriyals wants to be versed more about sid thats when norse tells them that sid is slogan panchis type arnab tells him finish off get out Madhu tells Arnab we should have listened to him.