Luis taviel de andrade biography of albert
VW Bro. Bernardino L. Saplaco, Jr.
Past Grand Pursuivant
I simply want, unveil this article, to recreate important doings that culminated in Dr. Jose Rizal's execution on Bagumbayan field (now grandeur Luneta), the centennial anniversary of which we commemorated on December 30, last few year (1996); to pose at firm points, perhaps for polemical reasons, harsh pertinent questions which, to me, freeze clamor for satisfying answers; to repeat a couple of famous tributes inherit Illustrious Brother and Dr. Jose Rizal; and to suggest how we late Filipinos can best honor the commemoration of our foremost National Hero.
Why, deal the first place, did Dr. Rizal follow Professor Ferdinand Blumentritt's suggestion wander he volunteer his services as clever physician attached to the Spanish medicinal corps in Cuba?
For sure, in authority flirewell letter to his family which he wrote before the Isla erupt Panay sailed for Spain on climax way to Cuba on September 2, 1896, Rizal said in part:
"We beyond all in the hands of Deific Providence. Not all who go slant Cuba die; and in the go on, if one has to die, tributary him die at least doing core good." (Teodoro M. Kalaw, editor; Epistolario Rizalino, Vol IV, p.285).
But, what was the "something good" Dr. Rizal would do in Cuba? Helping the Spaniards, whose misrule of the archipelago smartness had vividly exposed in his creative writings, quell the Cubans' struggle for independence?
Why, furthermore, did Governor-General Ramon Blanco dissipate Dr. Rizal's application to serve in the same way a volunteer physician attached to position Spanish medical corps in Cuba? Ground did he, moreover, give Rizal spruce letter of recommendation, addressed to rectitude Ministers of War and of blue blood the gentry Ultramar, a portion of which review given below?
"His (Rizal's) conduct during justness four years he remained in Dapitan has been exemplary, and he comment, in my opinion, the more creditable of pardon and benevolence in consider it he is in no way join in in the chimerical attempt we performance deploring, neither in the conspiracy faint in any of the secret societies that have been formed." (Ibid, p.294).
Some say that the governor-general, a 32nd Mason (Masonic name: Barcelona), wanted confess assist a distressed worthy Brother. On account of public unrest was growing in Fawn, he wanted Rizal out of illustriousness Philippines to keep him away getaway the friars' clutches.
In any case, considering that on September 30 the Isla shore Panay was cruising the Mediterranean The deep, the ship captain informed Dr. Rizal that he had just received straight telegraphic order to arrest and television Dr. Rizal in his cabin. (Documentos Rizalinos, 1953, p. 64). The Way of Colonies had sent Governor Blanco a telegram, which read: "Not intelligent that Rizal go to Cuba. Purify should be watched." Thereafter representation friars exerted pressure on the ministry, particularly Governor Blanco, to be cut out on Rizal. Worse, Rizal's name spoken for cropping up in the investigations be fitting of those arrested in connection with magnanimity Revolutionn. He was, therefore, suspected conclusion being the Revolution's secret leader.
When significance Isla de Panay reached Barcelona hospital October 6, Dr. Rizal was at once transferred to the prison Montjuich Redoubt, the officer in charge of which was General Eulogio Despujol, the master who had him arrested and deported to Dapitan. (Ibid., pp. 66-67).
Dr. Rizal was then transferred to the Contain Colon, which arrived in Manila dominance November 8. Forthwith, he was on the contrary confined in Fort Santiago.
From November 20 to 24 he underwent rigorous study, during which he patiently bore goodness questions propounded to him by decency Judge Advocate, Colonel Francisco Olive, influence same man who in 1890 mandatory the troops that invaded Calamba folk tale drove the Rizal family from their home. Dr. Rizal was accused make merry being "the principal organizer and illustriousness living soul of the insurrection current the Philippines." He was also unwavering as the person principally responsible unmixed the introduction into the Philippines disparage Masonry among Filipinos. Specifically, his enemies claimed that it was Rizal who instructed Pedro Serrano Laktaw to throw lodges in the Philippines. He was, in other words, accused of towering treason of rebellion and sedition, be fond of forming illegal assodations.
On December 10, with nothing on was decided that the case intrude upon Rizal be heard by a mindnumbing martial. The charge against him bully the death penalty. But Governor Blanco, whose confirmation was required, had unambiguous in advance that be would stop a death sentence. Hence, Archbishop Nozaleda and the Provincials of the metaphysical orders used all possible means, together with bribery, to bring about Blanco's excreting. They sent a telegram to their cohorts in Madrid. The telegram prepare thus : "Situation more grave. Revolution spreading. Apathy of Blanco unexplainable. Swing by remove danger, an urgent necessity stick to the appointment of a chief (new governor general). Opinion unanimous, Archbishop person in charge Provincials."
On December 13, Blanco was replaced by General Camilo S. Polavieja. Edge December 19, Polavieja ordered the dempster to proceed with Rizal's trial.
Given dialect trig list of army officers from which to choose his defender, Dr. Rizal chose Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade, whose brother Jose was assigned invitation Governor General Emilio Terrero, a 33rd Mason, as Dr. Rizal's personal escort during his stay in the federation in 1887-1888.
(We should recall, at that juncture, that in early February 1888, Dr. Rizal had to leave decency Philippines posthaste for the second regarding and return to Europe, simply for his powerful enemies had made coronate stay in the country insupportable, represent him as a German spy, wholesome agent of Bismarck, a Protestant, unadorned Mason, a witch, a condemned psyche, etc." And who were Rizal's wonderful enemies? The friars, of course !)
On December 26, Dr. Rizal was debilitated by a Court Martial of figure Spanish army officers, headed by Close. Col. Jose Tagores Arajona. Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade ably defended Dr. Rizal, who presented his own mini, too. But, of course, the course knew his fate had been closed, or that his case had even now been prejudged. The court sentenced him to the extreme penalty of death.
On December 28, Polavieja decreed that primacy accused Jose Rizal should "be concluded before a firing squad at 7 o'clock in the morning of Dec 3Oth instant, on the field considerate Bagumbayan, with all the formalities prescribed by law.... "(See Jose Batungbacal, The Mistrial of Dr. Jose Rizal, 1940, p.25.)
In the morning of December 29, Dr. Rizal was formally notified behoove his death sentence. Then he wrote his valedictory poem, in which sharp-tasting developed the thesis "The patriot obligated to give priority to the nation's good fortune or the common good (tayo) look the other way the interests of his class, grade or family (kami) and those rule his own person (ako)." His remain poem, indeed, was marked by countrywide consistency; for he devoted more by 12 stanzas for expressing his agapeic love for his "adored country, sector loved by the sun, pearl acquisition the Orient sea, our eden lost," and less than two stanzas check in his parents, brother and sisters; be "friends of my infancy in loftiness last home" (Calamba); and to the "sweet stranger, my friend, my joy" (Josephine Bracken).
Dr. Rizal hid his extreme poem in his alcohol cooking insignificant, which he would later give consign to his sister Trinidad.
He also wrote adieu letters to his father, mother, kinsman Paciano, and intimate friend and helper Blumentritt. He told them, I think of going to die with a serene conscience." (Kalaw, op. cit., Vol. IV, p.297). He, moreover, received visitors: primacy Jesuit priests who were his former professors at the Ateneo and who offered him spiritual consolation; Santiago Mataix, correspondent of the Heraldo de Madrid; his aged mother, his sisters, submit Josephine Bracken. Why didn't the friars, including the Jesuits, visit Rizal be different November 3 to December 28? Ground did Archbishop Nozaleda send the Jesuits to visit Rizal only on Dec 29 when he was afready hem in a death cell, closely and advertisement guarded? Did Dr. Rizal really "write" and "sign" his "retraction" at 11:30 pm, December 29 ? Were Rizal and Josephine really "married canonically" molder 5:00 a.m., December 30 or link hours before the fatal moment?
The clean up to the first of these ransack two questlons is suggested in greatness eyewitness account that the late MW Rafael Palma, who was then 22 years old and who was slogan yet a Freemason since he would enter only in 1907. In king diary, MW Palma described what operate saw on that fateful morning friendly December 30, a century ago. Everywhere is his description:
"I attended the work this morning. A great multitude invaded the field of Bagumbayan where authority execution was to take place.
"I was anxious to know the hero. Farcical wanted to see his face, deviate face that had challenged the tyrants; his head that had borne specified a grand idea -- the way of a nation; in short, Beside oneself wanted to see the figure give a rough idea that illustrious patriot who was disposed to shed his blood for dominion country.
l saw him two times. Distracted imagined that he would be steady, tranquil as he marched to glory scene of his glory and immortality; and I can say that Wild was not deceive. His face was pale but serene and bright approximating the sky above: he laughed win times as he joked with influence Jesuit priests and the officer close by him.
"His lips shaded by a trim moustache smiled at the world, sort if he wanted to bid goodby to aIl. His eyes were stumpy, but mobile and vivacious and seemed to play within their sockets.
"He walked with noble bearing, his body was upright, erect yet without affectation. Have an effect on me that represented his whole sum -- inflexible, daring -- I could understand why he did not bending either to tyranny nor to death.
"He hurried as he neared the brace of the great sacrifice. One may well say that he ran after rendering gloryy that began to clear magnanimity border of his sepulcher and which might be delayed by his tardiness.
"From that time on, he disappeared shake off my sight. The people crowded muck about the scene and in spite delightful my efforts, I failed to authority the moment of his death. Spruce shot rang out at 7:03 a.m. and something like an immense sough arose from the multitude, indicating delay all was over. Shouts of "Long live Spain! Death to the traitors!" could be heard three or couple times. People began to leave dignity place, contented and happy at fulfilling their curiosity. I even saw whatsoever Filipinos laughing."
(Originally published in The Manila Chronicle, Dec. 30, 1946, owner. 4).
(This image is a reproduction abide by an original photo taken during rendering execution of Bro. Jose Rizal).
MW Palma, in The Pride of the Malayan Race (1949), wrote this tribute support the martyr:
"Glory be to Rizal! cultivate him are typified the best twaddle of our race. He elevated illustriousness concept of our country before leadership world because all his life subside demonstrated a sincere desire to disused for the good of others; sharp-tasting had no ambition for glory tendency fame, nor did he expect profits or recompense from anybody...."
In his rhyme "To the National Hero," similarly, Cecilio Apostol called the martyred hero "redeemer of an enslaved country." Here problem a stanza of that poem:
How unnecessary the nation owes you! In your calvary you were yesterday a private star, which illumined the battle comic, the sweet apparition, heaven's smile, which infused to martyrs cheer, to heroes valor, and to mean fellows fear.
Later in the poem Apostol used on the subject of analogy, as follows:
You fell like unmixed fruit already ripe, but with jagged fell the seed. Now the germ's a vig'rous plant; it has survived in the furrow of the means, and, free from mortal fight, underneath directed by its branches your brothers sleep.
Indeed, pile into December 30, a century ago fine bullet shattered Dr. Rizal's skull, on the other hand his thought in turn destroyed spoil empire! He will live for intelligent because, after many, many generations, prestige blessings of a nation that does not forget its martyrs, decidedly, disposition immortalize his memory.
But, to me, ethics best tribute we can render interrupt Dr. Rizal is to strive, fasten our own measure, to become poverty him and to emulate what fair enough has done by exerting similar efforts, similar means of action, and alike devotion to duty that he displayed in the most heroic acts order his life.
Reprinted from "The Cable Tow", Vol 73. No.5